Sunday 1 April 2012

Sakura Matsuri

I don't even think its called that but whatever!

Today I went to a place where I think they were celebrating the Sakura blooming and we had a walk around the shrines and stuff. I took loads of photos, making me look like some sort of tourist! Anyway, here are the many photos I took, and I will try to explain some of them:

The many strange folk dressed up as the gods. They were walking so my photos are a bit funny!

A place where you had to wash your hands before going up to the shrine.

The shrine where we offered money and prayed.

Some ladies playing music on Japanese traditional instruments, and the gate to he shrine.

A place where they were serving tea, and the sugar cookie I had! Although I think it was was very sweet. Below a lady serving us green tea.
And the stalls where they were serving Japanese food!

I'm sure there will be many more events likes these I'll visit. I'll make sure to take many photos of those! See you next time!

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