Monday 16 April 2012

Japanese Penpals

One method I'm using to improve my Japanese skills, albeit my writing skills more than anything, is having a few penpals. I say a few, I actually have quite a bit which is actually becoming a problem; trying to reply to them all! I have a back log of emails already, and it takes time to write in Japanese! But it's good practice and something practical to do in my spare time (which is everyday at the moment!).

Here's my introduction to some of the emails I have replied to:

こんにちは! 私は日本人とイギリ人のハーフです。でもイギリスで生まれてすんでいました。
今、日本に来て日本語をたくさん練習して います。ぺらぺらになりたいです。 
Its says: Hello! I am half Japanese and half English. But I have was born and raised in England.
Because of that,  I cannot speak Japanese.
I have studied Japanese for 6 years by myself.
Now, I have come to Japan to practice my Japanese. I want to become fluent.
See you!

It's very basic but I'm getting better at introducing myself, especially speaking it as I have had to explain myself and my situation to loads of people!
See you next time, I should have something more exciting to talk about!

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