Monday 30 April 2012

Sakura-chan's Walkies

Sorry for being a day late (again) but yesterday was my Auntie's Birthday and in the evening we went out for dinner (食べ放題!=all you can eat!) and as usual I try and eat as much icecream as I can! Forget the main meal I'm heading for the icecream machine!

Anyway, this post is about my walks with Sakura-chan. I try to take her out almost everyday (except when it rains) and sometimes I find some things which are just nice!

Here are some photos of my (near) daily trips, and the things I have encountered.
(Next time I will try to do more factual posts about Japan and its culture, rather than explaining my boring days...)

It looks further than it actually is, my camera likes to exaggerate.

A dog poking through a wall...

A Heron that likes to visit the paddy fields.

Koinobori for Children's day in May.

Sakura's nose.

Sakura after a nice long walk.

Sunday 22 April 2012

Yamaha Kid's and English Festival Tsumagoi

On the 21st-22nd I took part in this Yamaha Kid's English Festival, an annual event where Yamaha school students make video skits in English and send them into the contest. The best of the region then come to Tsumagoi for the Grand finals where the winner gets tickets to anywhere they want to go in the world.

We had the ceremony on the Saturday night then afterwards a buffet meal. I was told I needed to mingle and sit anywhere and just talk. Which really is not easy when you're the type who finds it hard to break the ice. But I managed to find somewhere. Apparently I was sat with the Niigata Prefecture table...we ate dinner then played Bingo then everyone went to sleep...or really went to the Onsens then went to sleep. We (the staff) however had to have a meeting about the next day. I got the impression that things were not as well organised as I had thought, but there was a plan at least, and a back up plan for the rainy weather we were expecting.

The next day we had breakfast, another buffet, then went to the hall and got into our teams. I was the Green team and had 10 students: 5 boys and 5 girls. We first did these "dream cards" where the students had to write down what they wanted to be when they grow up. Quite difficult when you're one of the younger ones...we then went outside to attach them to balloons and released them into the air (the majority of them getting caught in the nearby trees and popping!). We were meant to do go-cart racing and pony rides, but the Yamaha people decided not to because it was going to rain. I think it would have been okay but that wasn't my decision...I wanted to see the ponies!

Anyway, more games inside. My horrific picture of me and my two sisters being projected into the board...because it was a question in one of the games.

By 12 we had lunch then they all left! I stayed behind with 2 other teachers who were also helping out and went to the Onsens together (I thought they would be free but no, they were discounted prices at least...). Lasted only about 10 minutes before throwing in the towel...and then had a nice massage on one of the chairs!

Here are some lovely pics to enjoy...I loved the room I was staying in! Too bad it was only for one night...and a pretty short night!

The Grand Champions

The Green team!

The other 3 teachers and the organiser (bottom right).

Hinata - possibly my favourite one there. She was so cute!

My massive room! 4 beds! and only 2 people staying...

Monday 16 April 2012

Japanese Penpals

One method I'm using to improve my Japanese skills, albeit my writing skills more than anything, is having a few penpals. I say a few, I actually have quite a bit which is actually becoming a problem; trying to reply to them all! I have a back log of emails already, and it takes time to write in Japanese! But it's good practice and something practical to do in my spare time (which is everyday at the moment!).

Here's my introduction to some of the emails I have replied to:

こんにちは! 私は日本人とイギリ人のハーフです。でもイギリスで生まれてすんでいました。
今、日本に来て日本語をたくさん練習して います。ぺらぺらになりたいです。 
Its says: Hello! I am half Japanese and half English. But I have was born and raised in England.
Because of that,  I cannot speak Japanese.
I have studied Japanese for 6 years by myself.
Now, I have come to Japan to practice my Japanese. I want to become fluent.
See you!

It's very basic but I'm getting better at introducing myself, especially speaking it as I have had to explain myself and my situation to loads of people!
See you next time, I should have something more exciting to talk about!

Sunday 8 April 2012

Hamamatsu Castle

After my first Japanese lesson in a long time, me and friends went to Hamamatsu castle to have a picnic under the Sakura trees! A common activity for this time of year. I wish there were more Sakura in England, then we'd be able to do this! Although the weather won't be as good so we won't end up doing it in the's just a nice event where everyone gets together to enjoy the wonders of nature!

It was so busy because everyone had the same idea! But it was nice sitting under the trees. Just like what you see in the movies! Or in this case, the animes!

Hamamatsu castle isn't as grand as Osaka but amongst the Sakura it looked really nice.

Here are some pics, of course! These pics really don't show how busy it really was! I can't imagine what Osaka castle must have been like!

Sunday 1 April 2012

Sakura Matsuri

I don't even think its called that but whatever!

Today I went to a place where I think they were celebrating the Sakura blooming and we had a walk around the shrines and stuff. I took loads of photos, making me look like some sort of tourist! Anyway, here are the many photos I took, and I will try to explain some of them:

The many strange folk dressed up as the gods. They were walking so my photos are a bit funny!

A place where you had to wash your hands before going up to the shrine.

The shrine where we offered money and prayed.

Some ladies playing music on Japanese traditional instruments, and the gate to he shrine.

A place where they were serving tea, and the sugar cookie I had! Although I think it was was very sweet. Below a lady serving us green tea.
And the stalls where they were serving Japanese food!

I'm sure there will be many more events likes these I'll visit. I'll make sure to take many photos of those! See you next time!