Monday 30 April 2012

Sakura-chan's Walkies

Sorry for being a day late (again) but yesterday was my Auntie's Birthday and in the evening we went out for dinner (食べ放題!=all you can eat!) and as usual I try and eat as much icecream as I can! Forget the main meal I'm heading for the icecream machine!

Anyway, this post is about my walks with Sakura-chan. I try to take her out almost everyday (except when it rains) and sometimes I find some things which are just nice!

Here are some photos of my (near) daily trips, and the things I have encountered.
(Next time I will try to do more factual posts about Japan and its culture, rather than explaining my boring days...)

It looks further than it actually is, my camera likes to exaggerate.

A dog poking through a wall...

A Heron that likes to visit the paddy fields.

Koinobori for Children's day in May.

Sakura's nose.

Sakura after a nice long walk.

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