Monday 12 March 2012

Wise Advice

Again I fail at posting on Sundays, but I was busy, honest! I went to a another Japanese class which a friend from the other Japanese classes I got to suggested. It was good, I think I'm getting better at understanding Japanese! Although as soon as I leave the class and someone speaks to me it just goes right over my 'ed!

The 100yen shop being my most favourite shop in the world! I bought these which I hope to be creative with soon. Anyway, reading the instuctions on the back, which they were kind enough to translate into English, I read the following:
Sound advice. I shall keep that in mind! If I find anything else amusing. I'll be sure to put it up! See you next week!


  1. That's weird, I thought I'd posted a comment on this a couple of days ago about you throwing a slipper at Ching's head but it doesn't seem to be here...

  2. Maybe the internet ate it...aah memories...that will forever remain in my brain...=P
