Sunday 18 March 2012

Tribute to Momo-chan

On Monday 12th of March, my auntie's cat, Momo, lost her life. She was old and very poorly and I think it was inevitable that she would pass, but it's still sad. She was a lovely cat, annoying when I tried to eat my breakfast, but lovely nonetheless. I will always remember how she would walk over my laptop whilst I tried to skype my family and friends. One of my friend's getting a nice view of her butt. And she managed to turn my desktop to its side by using her butt on my keypad...I will never find out how she did that...

Anyway, the last time I visited, I went a bit snappy happy and took a bunch of pics of her sleeping in her many positions. So as a tribute, I thought I would make a collage and put it up here.

On Thursday 15th, my auntie and me went to a temple and gave her a ceremony. There are special places where you can give your pet a burial like they do for people! I haven't experienced a human funeral here in Japan, so I presume the pet one is just a mini version of that. It was quite surreal but nice and fitting for sending off Momo.

RIP Momo-chan.

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