Sunday 25 March 2012

Animal Sausages

I did this last Saturday but I made my post on Sunday on another topic. On the 17th, I went to this Honda activities day where we made animals from weener sausages (frankfurter sausages). It was rather fun, and at the end of it, we ate them on a pizza! =P

I may try this again, as I have a book I can work from!

Enjoy the pics, I'm going to lie down, my body aches...

Sunday 18 March 2012

Tribute to Momo-chan

On Monday 12th of March, my auntie's cat, Momo, lost her life. She was old and very poorly and I think it was inevitable that she would pass, but it's still sad. She was a lovely cat, annoying when I tried to eat my breakfast, but lovely nonetheless. I will always remember how she would walk over my laptop whilst I tried to skype my family and friends. One of my friend's getting a nice view of her butt. And she managed to turn my desktop to its side by using her butt on my keypad...I will never find out how she did that...

Anyway, the last time I visited, I went a bit snappy happy and took a bunch of pics of her sleeping in her many positions. So as a tribute, I thought I would make a collage and put it up here.

On Thursday 15th, my auntie and me went to a temple and gave her a ceremony. There are special places where you can give your pet a burial like they do for people! I haven't experienced a human funeral here in Japan, so I presume the pet one is just a mini version of that. It was quite surreal but nice and fitting for sending off Momo.

RIP Momo-chan.

Monday 12 March 2012

Wise Advice

Again I fail at posting on Sundays, but I was busy, honest! I went to a another Japanese class which a friend from the other Japanese classes I got to suggested. It was good, I think I'm getting better at understanding Japanese! Although as soon as I leave the class and someone speaks to me it just goes right over my 'ed!

The 100yen shop being my most favourite shop in the world! I bought these which I hope to be creative with soon. Anyway, reading the instuctions on the back, which they were kind enough to translate into English, I read the following:
Sound advice. I shall keep that in mind! If I find anything else amusing. I'll be sure to put it up! See you next week!

Sunday 4 March 2012

My Japanese Lessons

The first week without my mum was pretty tough. I felt pretty lonely and I had nothing to do other than take the dog for a walk, watch TV I couldn't understand, go on the net, do some drawing and go to the nearby shopping mall. May sound like a lot to do but you get bored pretty quickly. And when you're feeling low you don't like feeling do anything!

But everything has seemed to have turned around. I went to this free Japanese class for foreign people. I was bricking myself beforehand because I had to get there on my own (public transport without my mum! The horror!) but I got there in one piece, then I had to explain in my poor Japanese I wanted to attend the lessons. Thank goodness they can understand broken Japanese! Anyway had my first class in level 0 although to be honest, it was a tad easy for me. Only because they were teaching stuff I already knew. But I intended to go to help me start speaking more so I'm happy to have a refresher on subjects. One of the teachers at the end said I might be better off in level 1 but she said I could attend both level 0 and 1 if I wanted.

So on Wednesday, I went to the Level 0 class in the morning, then I went to the Level 1 lesson afterwards and there is a BIG difference! Well the teacher's speaking is much faster, but luckily he was speaking stuff I knew. There were odd occasions where I had no idea what he was saying, but I at least could follow the lesson *phew*.

The only annoying thing about these classes is that I have to pay quite a bit to get here. Once a week is okay but if I want to make it twice a week, its going to cost twice as much and thus eating away at my savings....lets not go into 3 times a week! I've got enough money, but I can't splurge if I wanted to, and I'll have to constantly work out how much I spend to see if it'll last me the year!! If I can get a part time job then that should cover me, but things are not looking bright...=(

My mum is leaving tomorrow! I will miss her, but I got quite used to her not being around so I'm sure I'll be okay...heh..