Monday, 27 February 2012

Country living 2

I totally fail! I didn't post a post yesterday (sunday) which I said I would and I don't even have an excuse!

Anyway, my first week without my mum and to be honest I felt quite low. Just because it was much harder to communicate and understand my relatives, and not having much to do other than walk the dog, go to the 100 yen shop (it always cheers me up!) and going on the net looking for jobs that are not there! I did got visit my mum and grandparents on Saturday. My auntie treated me to a nice lunch in a restaurant (ありがとう!)before we headed into the mountains. I was quite sad to leave again but alas we had to.

Anyway, as promised. Here's more pics of where my Grandparents live (its not this sunny and nice because these pics were taken in the Spring when I went. But it still looks like that I promise!):

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Country living

Hello! Its been a week so I'm going to keep to my schedule and do my weekly blog. On Wednesday I went to my grandparents in the mountains and stayed for 3 nights. I got a little too comfortable as I didn't want to leave! But I do need internet access and I won't get it staying there! So I have come back to my auntie's house WITHOUT MY MUM! My mum is still staying with my grandparents and will be til she leaves Japan, then I will be on my own! I'm getting slight withdrawal symptoms as not being able to communicate well with my relatives is getting me down. I didn't realize how much I relied on my mum! But I won't be able to ask her for help once she's gone home...lets hope I pick up more Japanese within the next 2 weeks!!

この写真は私とお母さんの部屋です。 (This is a photo of where me and my mum were sleeping)

Anyway, I'll put up more photos of my grandparents home when I've sorted them out. I'll see you next week!


Sunday, 12 February 2012


I'd thought I'd start one of my Japanese writing...things on my second cousin called Kokoro. I'll try and post something every week (probably on Sundays so its a routine!) and include some useful things on Japan. So if you're planning a trip here, I'll explain everything you need to know here!!

こころちゃんはスイートプリキュア(Suite Precure)が大好きです。

Okay, lets not over do it shall we!?


Friday, 10 February 2012

My first day!


I'm safely in Japan after a long day of travelling! I got badly jet lagged, mainly because I didn't get any sleep on the plane, something like 2 hours, but that wasn't proper sleep at all! So I was up since 4:30am on Wednesday, then got some proper sleep at 12 midnight on the Thursday/ we did get the wireless internet working which is why I'm writing this post! Hopefully I'll try and make this a regular thing, with posts on Japan and my life...if you're interested!

I'll take some pics and post them here too.

Take care!